Musical talent wanted!

Buskers invited back to Loch Lomond Shores after COVID restrictions lifted




Throughout the years, Loch Lomond Shores has played host to some amazing buskers who bring talent and energy to the site and provide some great entertainment and ambiance for our visitors.  These have included Clan an Drumma, Ben Monteith and Alfie King from The Voice Kids.

During the last few months, restrictions meant we were not able to welcome you, and our visitors have truly missed the brilliant entertainment we’ve had in the past!

Now that we are finally able to welcome you back, we want to make sure that we again have truly talented musicians and singers for our visitors and that as many of you as possible get the chance to come along and showcase your talent and earn some cash to support your musical endeavours. 

So, we are inviting both regular buskers and new, to get in touch with us.  All you need to do is upload a wee video here so we can get a great rota of buskers for regular busking gigs here at Loch Lomond Shores throughout the summer.

Thank you for taking the time to upload and we’ll be in touch very soon so we can bring the music back to Loch Lomond Shores! 

How to upload your Video

  1. Click on the ‘Select File’ button
  2. Browse to the video file you wish to upload – this can be done from any device or phone
  3. Select the file and click ‘Open’
  4. Enter your Name, Email, social media accounts (so we can tag you!), and any additional info you wish to provide
  5. Keep an eye on the File Uploader Progress Bar to make sure your video is uploading…
  6. Once your file has successfully uploaded you will be re-directed to our confirmation page
  7. You will also receive a confirmation email to let you know your file has been received
  8. Then we will be in touch!
  9. If you are struggling to use our File uploader, you can load your video to and share with us via:

[wordpress_file_upload singlebutton=”true” multiple=”false” fitmode=”responsive” resetmode=”onsuccess” maxsize=”100″ createpath=”true” duplicatespolicy=”reject” redirect=”true” redirectlink=”form-redirect” uploadtitle=”Upload Your Video (max size: 100mb)” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”%userdata2%” notifyheaders=”Loch Lomond Shores Busker Videos” notifymessage=”Dear Recipient,%n%%n% This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that your video file has been uploaded. Thank you! We will be in touch.%n%%n%Best Regards” successmessagecolors=”#1e73be,#ffffff,#1e73be” warningmessagecolors=”#dd3333,#FEF2E7,#dd3333″ failmessagecolors=”#dd3333,#ffffff,#dd3333″ widths=”plugin:100%, title:70%, filename:70%, selectbutton:70%, uploadbutton:70%, uploadfolder_label:70%, progressbar:100%, userdata_label:70%, userdata_value:70%, message:70%” heights=”title:20px, filename:20px, selectbutton:20px, uploadbutton:20px, uploadfolder_label:20px, progressbar:40px, userdata:20px, userdata_label:20px, userdata_value:20px, consent:20px, message:20px” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”Your Name|t:text|s:left|r:1|a:0|p:inline|d:/Email Address|t:email|s:left|r:1|a:0|v:1|p:right|d:|g:0/Your Social Media Account(s)|t:multitext|s:left|r:0|p:right/Any Additional Info?|t:multitext|s:left|r:0|p:right” css=”


Terms & Conditions

  1. Any videos submitted must be your own or have been given permission to use by the owner
  2. Videos must be less than 100MB in size in .mp4 or .mov format
  3. If you are selected to be part of our new busker roster, Loch Lomond Shores reserve the right to use any videos submitted on our own Social Media Channels and website during the summer of 2021